Wednesday, September 29, 2010

photo manipulation

Original Image: 
Clayoquot Sound, BC
By Jon Carr, May 2010


  • Adjusted the colour balance: increased cyan so the tree's appear more vividly
  • Adjusted the contrast: increased contrast so there is a greater difference between the bright and dark pixels
  • Cropped the image to emphasize mountains
  • Adjusted the colour saturation: decreased saturation to give photo a black and white appearance

I preferred Picnik over Gimp due to its ease of use.  The interface that Picnik provides is user-friendly and easy to follow.  Also, one does not have to download and install Picnik, they can use it right in their web browser.  However, if the web browser 'crashes', one will loose their data!  
Gimp was good but the interface was not user-friendly.  If I am looking to do a quick photo edit, I much prefer Picnik.  Since I am so low on time these days, I will be limited to quick editing!
Note: I do not like added text on to an image. I feel it is distracting and takes away from what the photographer was trying to capture.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

now on twitter

hey ed colleagues

howz the program so far? i think its pretty cool. lots of repetition tho.

so today we gotta set up twitter and follow everyone, so with that said i am @hawtsaucej 

my thoughts on twitter:
im not a big fan of social networking and dont use it outside of this class. yes i have facebook, but i only have it so im not considered a social outcast in this world. hmmmmmmmmm...
interesting, i feel like i would be discriminated if i dont have a facebook account...crazy...what has this world come to? well, maybe not discriminated, that takes it a little to far... but without facebook, people would give me a weird look. 

back to the point: i dont like having my life on the internet, and will resist this as much as i can...for as long as i can... if people want to get to know me (and vice-versa) i rather meet face to face with the person themselves rather than creep someones life and call them my friend.

anyone else feel the same way? 

check this article out


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

back to books

hey y'all welcome to my blog
my name is jonathan but call me jon, its easier to remember and to say, plus i think jon without an h is pretty cool 

i like to keep my posts casual, my words often represent my train of thought so dont expect me to follow many grammatical rules, this allows my blog to be personal and unique

also, this blog should be fun and easy to read (as it is not a textbook), i try to live my life with simplicity so i will keep things on here concise and to the point

so to introduce myself, ill start by saying im a born and raised island boy. i grew up in langford, a small town outside of greater victoria.  after living there for 20 years i cannot say it is small anymore.  our city mayor, stu young, has developed the small town into a mini metropolis.  the last ten years has involved both residential and commercial development, placing langford as canada's fastest growing community. 
tubing behind a jet-ski at shawnigan lake, van island,bc
life on vancouver island has been very fulfilling for me, growing up in a beautiful natural environment surrounded by the ocean, wildlife, rivers, lakes has given me a playground to enjoy what i love most in life.  this includes hiking, lounging, water sports, snow sports, sightseeing and spending time outside- doing all with friends and family

sproat lake, van island, bc
the pace of time on the island is quite unique. as mainlanders call it, "island-time" offers a chilled, laid-back lifestyle that puts fun first. and when im not on the island, travelling or visiting or what have you, i can always look forward to coming back home -- no matter how frustrating bc ferries may be

i attended the local schools (lakewood elementary, spencer middle and belmont high) to eventually graduate in 2007.  i then went to UVic to study geography that september.  i sped through my undergrad degree, completing my bachelor of science in 3 years and graduated in august 2010. 

here i am now in the education program to become a teacher

ill keep ya updated, please enjoy my thoughts and comments through my journey on becoming a teacher

peace out eds